How to Deal With Academic Pressure - Your 5 Step Guide

Are you struggling to cope with academic pressure? These 5 supportive tips for teenagers will help you keep on track both in your academic life and with your mental wellbeing also.


We usually begin courses of academic study because we are passionate about the subject. We might have grand plans of becoming the type of professional we dreamed of being. Or perhaps we have always been fascinated about this particular subject area and we want to find out more.


Then the work begins to mount up. Exams are looming. Everyone else seems to be coping just that little bit better than us. And then our family and friends start asking what we expect to achieve next. When did it stop being our passion, and start becoming our pain?

Here are 5 empowering ways to lessen the impact of academic pressure:


1.Reduce comparison culture

Social media can be a tricky place to navigate. We see endless picture-perfect images of other people’s showreels that don’t necessarily tell the whole story. Reduce negative impact by unfollowing anyone that spikes your emotions or agitates your mental health.


2.Find your tribe

 Don’t hang out with people that make you feel bad. Find those who help you to grow and evolve, and who value you at the level you truly deserve. True and worthy friends won’t be envious of your successes or mock your failures. Surround yourself with those who can appreciate who you are.


3.Pick up a mood-boosting hobby. 

 Having something to boost your confidence can really help to provide some perspective when academic pressure starts to build. Feeling like you’ve accomplished something within an activity you enjoy will help ease the strain while offering some feel-good endorphins too!


4.Develop your self-esteem. 

 You are an incredible person with a huge amount to offer the world, regardless of the grades you do or don’t achieve. Your academic life is just one part of who you are. Work on appreciating the person you are to help lessen the impact of any external expectation.


5. Speak to your teachers.  

Your course leaders will understand how academic pressure feels more than anyone. Set aside some undisturbed time to speak to your teacher/s to help them to know how best to support you. Opening up about how you’re feeling could lead to resolutions you haven’t considered.


No matter what school you attend or what college you might (or might not) be destined for in the future, don’t lose sight of the fact that you deserve to enjoy positive all-round mental wellbeing in the here and now.


Don’t suffer alone while assuming you’re the only one - because you really aren’t! You might be amazed to realise how many others in your class are feeling exactly the same way as you.


There is no grade or certificate of achievement that can balance out anxiety or depression. If you are struggling, reach out for the help that is out there. It could be the best choice you will make on your academic journey.



Drawing the Line.